Illusions - Part 9

The night was normal. There were no monster or ghost terrorising Shaina. She slept soundly after long time. However Kabir was no where to be found. She assumed he was busy searching the person who had played this horrible prank on her. Next morning she woke up to Kabir’s voice. “Come down to the dinning area. I have something to announce .”, he said. She was curious. “Did he find that trickster?”, she wondered.

She arrived at the dinning area after washing her face and brushing her teeth. She didn’t even change her night wear or brush her hair. She was excited to know who was the person. She waited while each and every staff arrived. They were all curious as Shaina was. Kabir arrived last. He seemed cold. His expression weren’t warm and compassionate as usual . They were stern now. A wave of guilt engulfed her. She regretted not approaching him first.

“ I have some news. It may affect few. It has impacted badly and shook me hard when I found our loyal staff, Joseph did this impeccable act. How could you, Joseph?”,he said. Everyone stared at Joseph in awe. They never expected him to be culprit. “I am sorry, sir. I had to ! I wanted to seek revenge for my father. He was simply punished for a small mistake which he wasn’t aware of committing.”, Joseph said grudgingly.

“That’s wrong. You know the whole story. My poor wife had to suffer life long due to your father’s stupid mistake. Wrong is wrong but supporting the wrong because you have close ties to the wrong doer is worse than a sin. Such sins are not forgiven in this house and I hereby release from your service. We no longer need you.”, Kabir spoke firmly. Shaina was numb. She was still shocked by the revelation.

The staff was still whispering while leaving the room. Shaina immediately headed towards her room. She closed the door and sat down with her head pressed to the door. She cried. There was a light tap on the door. It was Kabir. After wiping away her tears , she opened the door after few minutes of hesitation. He hugged her instantly and she started crying again.

Joseph was distraught. In his small one room house , he contemplated on accepting the offer on phone with a man he didn’t meet. He regretted on not asking him to meet him. He would have known whether to trust him or not based on meeting. Unfortunately he was blinded by revenge and took the offer without even thinking. But there was something that didn’t fit right - how did Kabir find out that it was him. He was too secretive and no one had any idea what he was doing except for the glitch he did. He had mistakenly hid the plant inside the wardrobe in the dark . Before he could realise what he had done , the truth was out.

(To be continued)


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