
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Uber Ride - Part 1

It was a normal Saturday for Lee.  His morning wasn't eventful. He had not so perfect date with Ying Yue he met on Tinder. Though she was good looking, she was extremely self obsessed. She would ask him constantly to take her photos where ever they went. He had spent a large sum he had earned during week driving for UBER.  The afternoon was dreadful. He met series of difficult customers. They would either not know English or they would yell at him if he was late by few minutes in picking them up or they wouldn't give proper pick up locations. He waited impatiently for the day to get over. The evening was fine. He took a break of an hour to meet his friend at a road side cafe. He was relieved to meet his friend. He shared his woeful story ,  cracked few jokes and asked him about his day. His friend's day was no better than his. "I had a hangover in morning. I was planning to spend the whole day in the bad. But mama made me do chores whole morning , la.", his f

Flight EK 666 - Part 19

She was standing at the end of aisle of the haunted flight. She had no idea how she was back here. She looked around hysterically. There was no way to escape. The dead passengers walked slowly towards her. Their hands were stretched towards her to grab her.  She looked around helplessly again. They were getting closer. Suddenly she felt someone push her towards the crowd. She screamed as she fell into their clutches. She woke up screaming. She looked around. It was just a dream. She was relieved to find herself lying on bed in a small room. Suddenly door opened and her brother peeped out from the corner. "Why are you hiding there, kiddo?", she asked. Her brother smiled sheepishly. He walked closer towards her. "How are you feeling, Di?", he asked. "I am fine now.", she said. "What happened there?", he asked. "It's a long story.", she said, remembering the nightmare she had been through. They walked towards the car he had borr

Flight EK 666 - Part 18

First she thought she was just panicking. But then she looked again. It wasn't a mirage or anything. It was the same man she had seen in her dreams - Tom. He wore the same crisp suit he wore in her dreams. He had the same smile when he had first met in her dreams. She shivered at thoughts of what was going to happen in few hours. She was in dilemma. Her heart panicked while her mind kept saying it was just a dream. She had few minutes left in her watch. She thought about nightmare. It seemed so real. The dead people, the haunted plane and the devil seemed so real. She either had to board the plane or run away. The choices were simple and yet complicated. If she chose to fly and things turned to be what she had seen in her dream, she would end up blaming herself. If she chose to run away, then people may not let her run because they may not believe her story. She looked around. She saw the same middle aged man sitting with the same book he was reading in her dream. She realized

Flight EK 666 - Part 17

Her once soft skin was  hanging now . There was blood dripping from her face. She could feel hard bones of her cheek. One of her eyes was almost popping out of her eye sockets. Her head felt heavy and her stomach was turning upside down. She closed her eyes to avoid her reflection. But she couldn't close it for long. She immediately opened the door to go outside. Unfortunately Tom stood in her way. She was numb. She was safe inside. But it was too late to lock herself inside. He had one of his hand on the door to obstruct her from closing. His face was no longer charming. It reminded her of grim ripper. There was no flesh in his face. Instead of pupil, there was two small balls of fire burning in his eye sockets. He wore long black robe with a cloak that touched the floor. She knelt down slowly with her hands folded. "Please let me go !", she pleaded again and again. Her pleas for mercy fell on his deaf ears. Suddenly he bent down and grabbed her folded hands. He to

Flight EK 666 - Part 16

She closed her eyes and screamed at top of her lungs. Tears running from her eyes, she had no where to go. They approached her slowly towards her. She turned behind to see that there were others coming towards her. She quickly looked around to escape. She passed through the tiny space in front of the seats to her right. Unfortunately she was stuck. She had them approaching her from every corner. They looked ferocious. They had pale rotten skin and their clothes were mucky. They tried to grab her but she try to shove them away. Finally she got some courage and pushed one person on her left and ran. She was able to get past the people somehow. She turned behind momentarily. The sight frightened her. She saw many people climbing over the seats, some of them crawling on the floor and others walking with no senses. Their eyes were either popping out or already popped out. They dragged themselves towards her in slow pace. Some even crawled with their half body cut off. There was no remo

Flight EK 666 - Part 15

She remembered the day when she was at her boss' cabin. She worked in small start up as cloud computing analyst. The pay was good but she was looking for challenging project. One fine day, she found one. It had certain conditions. Only one would be selected to work on it and selection was based on their draft.  She had worked hard. There was cut throat competition. After sleepless nights, her draft was selected. She was on cloud nine when her boss had called out her name. But her happiness was short lived when she was asked to leave for Dubai within one week. She had lot of work to do. She had to finish many formalities and pending work before she left.  She remembered how she had booked the ticket. All flights were booked except for this flight. She felt lucky for finding this site when she had lost hope. It didn't seem dubious. The website had quite good reviews. But she should have known that she was being trapped. The joy she felt then when she booked the ticket

Flight EK 666 - Part 14

"Who is he? Is he some kind of leader of terrorist gang that has hijacked this plane? Did he coerce the poor passengers to follow his orders? If he did, how did he coerce these people to follow him?", Tina wondered. Her head ached. She sat on the seat when Tom guided her to the seat. As soon as he sat beside her, he spoke coldly, "Did anyone mention you that you lack patience? You have too many questions and you are impatient for answers." She was stunned by his sudden change in behaviour. She was surprised how a person could be warm in one second and bitter in another second. "Who are you?", she asked aloud. "I am a wanderer. I wander in search of peace and belongingness. I get peace by collecting souls for my master. When my master is pleased , I feel belonged to him.", he said with a sigh. She stared at him with frightened eyes. Her heart was in her mouth. Her face turned pale. She wanted to run. But she had no place to hide since she was

Flight EK 666 - Part 13

Her screams attracted the crowd of few passengers and air hostess. They surrounded her to see what had happened. Everyone were surprised to see a dead man's body. They spoke to each other in soft whispers. No one knew what to do next. "How did this happen? ", one of them asked her. She stared blankly. She didn't know herself. "How would I know? I don't know how long he is dead. I don't know what caused him to die. I don't know anything that's happening here.", she thought. "His heart is not beating.", said someone who touched the dead man's chest. "He is dead!", someone shouted. "What did you do ? ",  another passenger asked. Everyone stared at her with contempt. "This mad woman killed the man.", they screamed. " No I didn't ! ", she protested. Everyone started getting close to her. She looked around her. She was being surrounded by angry people. Tears in her eyes, she wanted to

Flight EK 666 - Part 12

Nothing seemed right. She wondered whether she was dreaming again. She pinched herself many times to convince herself it wasn't true. "I don't believe you.", she said. Tom was getting irked. He paused for sometime and  spoke in calm tone," Everyone is saying that it's 2:45 am. What else can I do to make you believe me?". "Why are you trying to convince a mad woman? She has been creating ruckus since the start of the flight.", one of passenger said loudly. Tina felt pained. "Fine ! I will speak to the air hostess to change my seat. I won't bother anyone of you.", she said softly. But the commotion grew more against her. Everyone wanted her gone. "Passenger, please be seated. ", an announcement was made. Everyone took their place and an air hostess arrived to escort Tina to different seat. She was given a seat at front row near the emergency exit. A middle aged man sat at the middle seat of middle lane. He didn't

Flight EK 666 - Part 11

Tina was confused and anxious. Her heart beat faster. The music didn't calm her mind. She kept seeing her watch every minute. The minutes were passing slowly, testing her little bit patience left in her. She drummed her nails on the ledge of her seat impatiently. Again she looked at her watch to see what time it was. A minute had only passed. She passed her one hour looking at the watch every minute. Tom was sleeping peacefully. Everyone seemed not bothered and busy with their work. Some were sleeping like Tom while some were engrossed in listening to music or watching movie on the small screen in front of them and others were busy reading some magazines. It was three thirty again. She raised her hand nervously to press the button to call the air hostess. Tom woke up when Rosie arrived. "Do you need something, Ma'am?"  she asked. Tina replied her with a question,"What's the time?" "It's 2:45 am.", Rosie said with a smile. Tina stared