Illusions - Part 7

The doctor started with questions. The first few questions were basic. It was about her family, childhood and friends. She was reminiscing the fond memories of her dad gently pushing the swings , her mother preparing her favourite dish - pooris with aamras , her granny sharing tales of her ancestor’s famous battles and playing hide and seek with her friends . But remembering the memories of one particular hide and seek game  made her shiver with fear.

The doctor noticed that. He dwelled more into the game to get answer to this riddle. “It looks like you loved hide and seek game as a child. Do you want to share some fond memories ?” , he asked. She became nervous. “ Everyone loves hide and seek as a child. There’s nothing special I could recall about.”, she said tensed. “Are you sure? Well , I enjoyed the seeking part of the game . It was amazing time for me to find people  in their hide out and I would find them all. What did you like the most - hiding or finding ?”,he said.

She became rigid. “I.. I ..”, she stammered and looked at Kabir from corner of her eyes. She gulped in fear. She was afraid of revisiting the past. She could still remember her faint cries or nightmares she had on that fateful night . “Can I have a glass of water ?”, she asked. The doctor got up and filled a glass of water from water dispenser. He offered her the glass and sat on his seat. She drank few sips and got ready to share her past.

“As a kid, I loved to play hide and seek with my friends. We never left any opportunity to play the game. We would play during the break or after school hours or while waiting for parents to come pick us from school or at my home as it was huge with many rooms. But that day it was my turn to hide and I was very good in hiding in places where people could never think of. There are many tiny rooms which are either converted into store rooms or left like that. I hid in the small store room which no one was aware about.”, she said.

She paused for few minutes and continued, “ I waited for very long time for my friends to find me and slept in the process. One of our housekeeping staffs locked the store room without knowing that I was in it. I woke up and didn’t know how long I had slept. My friends left after notifying my absence to my family. My family searched everywhere except the store room. They even filled missing complaint with the police. They were distraught and so was I. I called for help several times but no one could hear.  Small sounds of insects would scare me and I started hallucinating about ghosts and monsters around me. After three days, the same staff opened the door to get something and found me . Out of guilt , he narrated the whole episode to my family and they fired him.”

Kabir and the doctor listened to her story with heart filled with emotions . They couldn’t believe the trauma she must have gone through. “Now I got the answer to your problem. You haven’t been able to move on and forget that trauma. It’s still in your mind. We will help you to forget it and you will be  just fine.”, doctor said sympathetically . She sighed thinking when this would end.

(To be continued)


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