Illusions - Part 15

Her sleep was disturbed by sound of door shutting hard.  She woke up with her head still longing for sleep. She stretched her hands and got up. She wondered whether it was wind or anything. She slowly stepped out of her bed and headed towards the door. She opened the door and looked around. The  usually lit corridor was weirdly dark.  There was no one.

Before she headed back towards her bed, she wanted a glass of water. One of the housekeeping staff would always place a pitcher of warm water on the table next to her bed. But there was no pitcher of water on her bedside table. She assumed they might have forgotten and headed towards the kitchen. Suddenly she saw some strange shadow running  few meters in front of her.

She felt sudden sense of fear inside her. Paranoid, she ditched the idea of going to the kitchen. She turned back towards her room. She sped up her pace and momentarily turned to see if that shadow was still there. Her eyes grew wide when she found the shadow had vanished into thin air. She started running.

She dashed into something. "Oh my god !", she cried when she saw what she had dashed into. It was the same monster. She called for help. No one arrived. She thought she was hallucinating. She wasn't. It wasn't a dream. It was real. Fear had crippled her sense of thinking. Her legs were stuck to floor. She had no energy to run.

Suddenly something struck her. This wasn't real. This was just an illusion created by her husband and his uncle to scare her. She grew fearless. She got closer to the monster and said, "I am not scared of you anymore" She pushed him with all force she had. The monster fell on the floor. Before he could get up, she began kicking him mercilessly.

After kicking him, she bent down in front of him ,she held the phone torch on one hand and dug on his prosthetic mask with other hand. He begged her to stop and said he would take it out. He took out the mask and revealed his true identity. She was surprised to find that it wasn't her husband or his uncle but someone else. Before she could ask him his identity, she felt someone hit her on her head from behind. She fell down unconscious.

(To be continued)


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