Illusions - Part 12

She felt more guilty whenever she looked into her husband’s eyes. She did everything to make that feeling go. She prepared his favorite dishes personally. She treated him extra special . But nothing could minimise the guilt in her. She decided to visit Dr. Prabhakar to ease her pain.

Next day, she visited the clinic. She sat at the waiting area.The doctor seemed busy in his clinic as the door was closed with only whispers of the doctor and his patient coming out. An hour passed by, the doctor didn’t arrive. Unlike the first day , she remained patient. Finally the door opened and two men came out.

She assumed both were patients and got up to meet the door inside his examination room. But one of men interrupted her. The man was tall and stout. His grey hair and wrinkled skin spoke of his age and life experiences. “Hi , do you have an appointment?”, the man asked calmly. “Yes, I do. I have an appointment with Dr. Prabhakar.”,she said slightly irritated.

“I am Dr.Prabhakar.”, he said surprising her. For a brief moment, she thought he was joking with her .  “How could that be ?”, she asked. “Excuse me ? What do you mean ?”, he questioned her back. “ Do you have sibling, Doctor ?”, she inquired . “No !”, he replied. She was startled. “I .. ( she took few deep breaths) met a man few months ago in this clinic. He was introduced by my husband as Dr. Prabhakar.”, she said.

Dr.Prabhakar stared at her in perplexity. He went into deep thought .  “What’s your husband’s name ?”, he asked after few minutes. “ Kabir Thakur.”, she replied. The name reminded him of the past he had forgotten. “That cunning uncle - nephew pair.”, he exclaimed. “Come inside. I have something to share.”, he said.

She and the doctor sat in silence.  So many thoughts were running inside her mind. She was scared about what more secrets she would come across now about her husband’s deed. She hadn’t known that a manipulator hid inside her husband’s innocent looks and polite manners.

( To be continued)


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