Illusions - Part 10

Joseph got frustrated while thinking about how he was going to get his revenge now. His plan was messed up and there was no way to get back into royal palace . Now everyone in the palace would be cautious about his movements. He rose up immediately as if something struck him hard. He wondered why this idea hadn’t strike him before. He was to find out the man who has contacted him before he found out how Kabir was able to deduce he was the culprit within a day.

Next morning Kabir woke up and stayed in the bed, watching Shaina sleep peacefully. He was relieved by the sight after so long. He had seen her waking up traumatized by her nightmare every night. He prayed that she slept peacefully forever like this. He was about to kiss her forehead when her eyes opened wide.

“Good morning!”, she said huskily with head still in need of sleep . He greeted her back with a smile. “I stayed all night watching you sleep.”, he said as he brushed few strands of hair from her forehead. “Aww! But I am feeling guilty for keeping you up whole night.”, she purred. He smiled and said, “Anything for you, darling !”

She attended the session with the doctor for one month. Everything got back to normal. She didn’t have any episodes of horrific nightmares. She no longer needed the sleeping pills to aid her sleep. She was feeling normal. She got back to writing . Her publisher stopped calling her daily , assuming she might again get stressed.

It was stormy midnight. Kabir hadn’t arrived yet. He had told her he had some work and would be back by nine pm. It has been three hours and there was no news of him. She got nervous. She tried calling him but his phone was switched off. She sent one of her staff to find him. Her staff searched everywhere. He was nowhere. “Where could he be ?”, she wondered.

She stayed up whole night waiting for him. Morning arrived. She felt drowsy and her eyes were about to close when she heard sound of car halting outside. She immediately recognised it was him. She ran towards the main door and opened it. She saw him getting out of the car. When he came closer, she was shocked. His white suit had blood stains in the center. “What happened? Are you alright?”, she exclaimed. “I am fine.”, he replied quickly and ran towards the bedroom to change. Shaina wasn’t convinced. But she was relieved he was back home and sat in front of TV. She was surfing through the channels when she came across shocking headlines on local news channel - Royal staff Joseph severely wounded.

( To be continued)


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