The Curfew - Part 7

Diya was astounded by the creature's appearance. She had never seen any creature like this except for the movies. She realized that those rumours she had been listening since child were not rumours after all. This was real. Rohan tried to press the accelerator. But the car didn't move. Deepika was panicking constantly. 

Diya unknowingly shook her sister's shoulders with one of her hands while staring in fear at the creature. "What ?", her sister asked and turned towards her. Her eyes looked up at the direction where Diya was watching. She screamed loudly , distracting Rohan's attention. Rohan panicked at the sight. He had assumed earlier that the sisters and residents of this village were simply misunderstanding the movement of animals with a ghost. Now he knew those rumors were not rumors after all.

He stopped pressing the accelerator and watched the creature in horror. He had no idea how they were going to escape from the monster. He cursed himself for not taking his wife's words seriously. Suddenly the creature released the car from his hold. He stood with his eyes wide open and his hands on his hips. He made loud noise. Everyone trembled in fear.

Roopa, their mom was anxious now. "They usually arrive by now. What must have happened ?", she wondered. Her sister in law persuaded her to sleep and not worry too much. She tried to convince her that they would arrive any moment. But even she was worried too. She had witnessed horror stories herself. She had seen the demon ripping her husband in front of her eyes. She had ran for her life and reached home before the demon could get her. 

She hadn't slept for days. The sight of her husband being ripped apart by the demon haunted her till now. She prayed that the kids didn't face the same plight as hers. Losing a closed one is terrible but watching them die helplessly is worse than dying itself. She left Roopa to herself and slid into her bedroom. As soon as she closed her eyes, the nightmare began. But this time she saw something different. She saw Rohan being dragged by the demon while he screamed helplessly for help. She woke up instantly. She took few deep breathes to calm herself.

The sisters and Rohan were stuck in car. The creature quietened and vanished in thin air. No one dared to get out of the car. "What do we do ?", Diya whispered. "We can't stay in the car for long.", she continued. Rohan looked around. The demon was nowhere to be seen. He remembered the words of that injured man he met few minutes ago lying on the ground. He had said to leave the car and run. "Let's run !", Rohan said instantly. The sisters were stunned by his suggestion. "Are you mad?", Deepika spoke. "He may attack us. ", she said. "You have any better idea ?" , he argued. "Cool down guys ! Let's run. We have no options.", Diya said. "Do you know how dangerous that creature is? It may get us within a second.", Deepika protested. Suddenly they heard the creature's loud howl few miles away from them. They screamed and ran out of the car. 

(To be continued)


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