The Curfew - Part 6

There were no street lights near the junction. It was pitch dark except for the bright moon and twinkling stars. The trees danced momentarily due to wind and wild dogs howled endlessly. Rohan and the sisters were tensed. They had to reach home before demon preys on them. He drove as fast as he could. Suddenly he saw a injured man lying on the ground with his bike fallen to his side. He pressed on the brake to stop the car.

His car was almost close to the man’s head. “Oh my god! What is this?”, Diya asked nervously. “I think we need to check on him. He is bleeding badly.”, Rohan spoke. “No! We must continue. What if he is a demon in disguise of injured man? We shouldn’t take any chances. Let’s go.”,Deepika said.
Rohan didn’t pay any attention to her.  “Don’t be stupid! He could be genuinely a man who needs our help. He must have met with an accident.”, Rohan quipped.

He got out of the car while the sisters tried to persuade him to stay in the car.  He knelt down next to the man and asked if he needed any help. The man was in pain. He tried to say something. After few trials , he managed to speak, “Leave your car! Run by foot. You can reach home quickly. If you can’t then take shelter at the temple.” Rohan didn’t understand what he was saying. “I don’t know what you are saying but we need to take you to doctor.” , he said.

The man didn’t listen. “Forget me and the car. You run as fast as you can. The demon ....”, he couldn’t complete his sentence before he took his last breath. Rohan was shocked. As he got up, he heard something move behind the bushes in the woods. He was about to check in that direction when Deepika got out of the car and called his name, “Rohan , Where are you going?”

“I heard some noise coming from that side.”, he said. “Leave it! Let’s go!”, she said. He nodded and headed towards the car. When he got inside, he was surprised. The injured man and his  bike vanished. “Where did that guy go?”, he asked. The girls looked too. “He vanished !”, Deepika exclaimed softly. “Akka, could he be the ghost ?”, Diya replied. “How could that be ? He was telling me something!”, Rohan said.

“Let get to home quickly!”, Deepika cried. Rohan started the engine to drive. He drove his car as fast as he could. He was about to turn the car to left road of three way junction when he felt the car being pulled backward. Everyone screamed in fear. Diya turned back to see out of curiosity. “Oh my god!”, she squealed at the sight of demon. He looked ferocious. He was half beast and half man. His eyes were dark and he showed his huge canine teeth. He was bulky and huge. He had held the rear of car upward with his one hand.

(To be continued)


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