The Curfew - Part 5

The sisters and Rohan had casual chat with pinch of humour directed at Diya. There weren’t serious arguments between the sisters. But the cheerful girls remained suspiciously quiet when they were nearing the haunted junction. Rohan was curious. He knew the story behind the hauntings. But he didn’t understand the reason behind their silence. It wasn’t uncommon. Every time they passed this junction , they would remain silent.

He did ask once with his wife. Her answer didn’t satisfy his curiosity. She simply said that she didn’t want to attract any demon to chase them. He had laughed and she had reprimanded him for taking it so lightly. The sisters would get anxious until they reached their ancestral  home every time they visited.

He looked at the watch. He still had thirty minutes. He wished he had listened to his wife advice of reaching home early.  He was chastised by her several times during the journey. He had also promised her to reach on time. Now he felt stressed and wondered whether he would be able to fulfil her wish. He prayed that he would.

He wondered why his father in law never left this place when he knew it was haunted. He had spoken about this to him while Deepika tried to stop him. He had asked him several times to shift to their home in the city. But his father in law never gave in. He never wanted to leave his ancestral property any cost. He had strong bond towards the house like every older generation.

While he was engrossed in thoughts, his car jerked to halt. Everyone became anxious. “I told you ! We should have started early.”, Deepika said anxiously. Her anxiety was at highest level. “Calm down, darling ! I will go out and check.”, he said. “No ! What if the demon attacks you?”, Diya spoke nervously.

Rohan didn’t listen. He immediately got out and checked the engine. There was no issue. He felt strange. He got inside and started the vehicle. The engine was working. He wondered why it had stopped suddenly . “Shit! We only have ten minutes.”, Deepika wailed. He calmed her down but she was in no mood in calming down.  He started driving faster , ignoring any humps on the road. His only focus was to reach home as quickly as he could to stop his wife panicking.

(To be continued)


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