The Curfew - Part 2

The trio got ready for the trip after several checks of apartment, counting of bags and items necessary for the trip made by overly concerned Deepika. Rohan began driving once he put the location of the destination they were going on GPS. "Do we really need the GPS ? I know the route by heart.", Deepika said. Rohan stayed quiet while Diya giggled.

An hour had passed. No one spoke. Rohan was busy driving while his wife stared out of the  window and his sister in law sulkingly gazing at her Facebook. Diya scrolled her Facebook app. There were random posts of her friends  and nemesis visiting exotic getaways. She was burning with jealousy. Suddenly she came across her sister post where she had tagged her and brother in law's name - "Finally family get together with my BAEs" . This irked her.

"Why did you tag me in your post ? This is so embarrassing.", she growled at her sister. Deepika was startled. It was like as if someone had woken her up from deep slumber. "What ?", she asked confused. "Why did you tag me in your post?", Diya asked again. "What do you mean why did I tag you? Do I need to ask your permission for all the post I put up in my Facebook account?", Deepika argued.

Diya didn't reply. She frowned and looked aside. After few minutes, she spoke, "When are we reaching there, Bhava(brother in law)?" "Maybe by 11 pm, looking at traffic.", he replied. Deepika's eyes grew wide and cried out, "What? No ! You know the curfew. We need to reach there before 10.""Darling, please understand there is heavy traffic jam and it might take us time to reach there.", he said coolly. "This can't be. We have to reach there before 10 pm.", she exclaimed.

"I can't zoom the car like fast and furious, Baby. We will reach there safely.", he said. "I told you, we should have started early. You never listen.", she said sulkingly. "Chill Akka ! Nothing will happen. It's just old folktale. No one had seen a real ghost there.", Diya spoke. "Says the person who gets spooked watching a horror movie during daylight.", Deepika taunted.

Diya was about to argue when Rohan interrupted in between. "Come on , guys! Lets begin this journey with sweet note. Let me put some music to ease out the tension.", he said as he switched on the music player. No one listened to music except Rohan. Everyone was absorbed in their thoughts. Diya was cringing thinking about her stay at the native for three days without the internet while Deepika was worried about reaching home before the curfew.

(To be continued)


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