The Curfew - Part 11

The pooja rituals happened smoothly. The sisters and Rohan were leaving next day. Hence they got busy with the packing while Roopa got busy with preparing homemade delicacies for her kids. Diya wasn't ready to leave. She was still haunted by that night's ordeal. She seemed lost. Deepika hadn't noticed it until she finished her packing and visited Diya to check hers.

"You haven't finished your packing. We have to leave tomorrow afternoon.", she said. Her little sister didn't reply. She sat still engrossed in thoughts. She remembered how she had saved her life from the demon. Deepika noticed something was bothering her sister. She nudged her. "You look lost. Are you okay ?", she asked. Diya didn't respond. "I know you are thinking about those not so good memories. I am sorry for not being there with you. Even Rohan is feeling guilty for that night. He wants to make it up to you. But I know it won't be enough for you to forget.", Deepika said.

Diya looked up at her sister standing in front of her. She immediately hugged her and said, "You guys  don't hold yourselves responsible. You have done no mistake. Everyone's lives were at stake. Only if that guy didn't come at right time and saved my life, I wouldn't have survived." "We all wanted to know what happened last night. But we never asked you because we don't want you go back to that time and remember those experiences. If you want to share what had happened that night with your sister, I am all ears. I won't mention it to anyone if you want.", Deepika spoke softly.

Diya released her sister from her embrace. She looked down in fear. "I was almost close to doorstep before that demon came in my way. You saw that. You also saw me running to my right. You might have also assumed that I was dead. I would have been if that man didn't come to my rescue at the right time.", she spoke. Deepika's eyes turned wide. "I didn't know where I was going. I only wanted to save myself. But my health was deteriorating. I couldn't run fast. I had almost given up and fell on the ground. I could hear the demon's roar. I was trembling in fear. Suddenly I felt something touch my shoulder. ", she continued.

"What was it ?", Deepika asked frantically. " I thought my end was near. I assumed it was demon. When I turned back to see, it was the same injured man we found on the road. He asked me to follow him and said he would help me reach home safely. I first didn't accept his help. But when he told me that he knew me and he was our neighbor's son, I accept reluctantly. I still had doubt that he was demon. I had no choice. I followed him. Whenever I heard faint roars, I would tremble. Finally we reached home quickly. Before I could say my thanks , he was gone. I was in very bad state.", Diya narrated her entire ordeal that night. 

Deepika cried and hugged her. "Now that I shared my experience with you, I feel much better. I think I am ready to share the story with rest of the family.", Diya said. That night Diya shared the story with everyone while holding her sister's hand. Everyone felt grateful for the friendly ghost who had saved their daughter / sister's life. Rohan decided to start the journey back home in the morning. No one complained. After few months, the sister's family sold the house and shifted to the city. They didn't want to deal with anymore experiences in their native.

                                            ********  The End *********


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