The Curfew - Part 10

Rohan was feeling even more guiltier with every passing minute. He looked around. His mother in law was crying uncontrollably due to loss of her youngest child. His wife was lost in thoughts of how she could have saved her little sister and now she wouldn't be able to see due to her carelessness. Rohan's heart pained. Everything would have been normal if and only if he had followed the curfew.

He feel on the floor , distraughted. He remembered the good times he had with Diya. She was like his little sister, always on lookout for new ways to annoy her sister. She was life of the family. Because of his stupid mistake, the life was gone. Tears welled up in his eyes. He was going to miss her carefree smile and liveliness. His consciousness was mocking at him for his failure. He wished he could have saved her. He wished it was his life the demon would have taken. 

Suddenly burning rage filled his heart and he got up immediately. He ran towards the main door and opened it. Everyone were stunned by his action. "What are you doing ?", Ganga , Roopa's sister in law asked. He didn't reply instead walked out and stood at patio. Ganga followed him and said, "What are you doing outside. Come inside. The danger hasn't subsided yet." "I won't come inside. I am responsible for Diya's loss. Let demon come and take me.", he said. Ganga dragged him inside and locked the door. 

"What has happened has happened . We cannot change it. We have lost many people. We don't want to lose anymore.", she said. While she turned to leave, she heard faint knock on the door. She looked at Rohan, thinking it was him. It wasn't him. He was lost in thoughts. She heard again. She hesitantly opened the door. There was no one. She was frightened. While she was about to close the door, she looked down. It was Diya. She lied down in pain. 

"Diya !", Ganga screamed. Rohan rushed outside. He lifted her up and bought her inside while Ganga closed the door. Everyone gathered in front of Rohan to check Diya's condition. Her body was boiling hot. Her eyes were red and hair was messy. He placed her on the indian chapoy bed which had soft mattress on it's top. Deepika placed warm blanket on top of her and checked her temperature.She had fever. Roopa quickly made herbal tea and porridge for her daughter. She helped her to have the drink and food. Diya had it with difficulty. She was tired. She wanted to sleep.  

After having some medication, she slept. Everyone stayed awake to check on her fever. It took three days for Diya to get better. No one asked her anything about how she had survived that night. They only wanted her to recover faster.  

(To be continued)


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