Illusions - Part 2

Suddenly she heard a voice calling her name out. It was her husband, Kabir. She opened her eyes. There was no monster. Everything seemed normal. She was on the same spot where the monster had dragged. She looked around. There was no one except for her husband and the butler. He offered his hand and she grabbed it while wincing in pain.

"What had happened? You were screaming so loudly.", he asked gently. "I ... You won't believe me.", she replied. "One of your usual nightmares. I have told you so many times that we must consult a psychiatrist to take care of your problem. You never listen. ", he scolded her. "But this wasn't a nightmare. It was real. I had seen the monster dragging me.", she argued.

He sighed. "You are imagining things. Tell me, how did the monster look like ?", he inquired. "The monster .. Well ! It was similar to the one I have been writing about in my stories.", she replied nervously. "See ! I told you ! It was just a dream. ", he smiled. "But I did get dragged by a monster . How do you think I reached the other corner of the room while I was napping on the sofa?", she protested.

"I am sorry I have to break this to you like this. You sleep walk. I am not the only witness to your sleep walking. Many staff over here have seen you sleep walking.", he said firmly. Amidst of their conversation ,they had not noticed when they had reached their  room and he had helped her sit on the bed.

She was surprised  by this revelation. Her gaze bent down in embarrassment. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal. But facing it secretly is not good for your mental health. Hence we must consult the doctor immediately. I don't want you to suffer more. Anyway, it's up to you whether you want to listen to me or live your life like this.", he said before they left together for dinner.

Next morning , she arrived at the dining area where Kabir was already having breakfast. She smiled and greeted him. While having breakfast, she spoke, "I have decided to visit the doctor today. You make an appointment with whichever doctor you know and we shall go." He was overjoyed and in their three years of marriage , he  got up to hug her for the first time.

(To be continued)


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