The Bungalow Number - 420 - Part 19

Her eyes had no pupil. It was complete black. Her hair was dancing widely. Rohan was numb. It didn't strike him to escape. It was too late for any escape. She grabbed the unconscious body of Manoj and dragged him away from Rohan. Rohan tried to stop. But his strength was no match to her. She could pull thousand elephants with her strength. 

"Please don't do this ! Don't kill my friend ! I did the wrong !", he pleaded with folded hands. Her expressions changed from fury to tender eyes. He was like her son. She always melted when he would plead like this. Suddenly she remembered his loyalty towards his friend. It pained her heart as well as angered her. 

She swayed the body and threw it aside. The body hit the ground with thud and blood started pouring from his head. Rohan watched her tear his friend's stomach like lioness preying on wilder beast. When she was done, she turned towards him. "Why are you so loyal to your friend after knowing the truth? How can you be so blind ?", she roared at him. 

"Anyway, you will not be spared too. But I won't give you easy death. You wanted to sell this house and enjoy the returns from this place. I won't let you get away so easily. You will burn in this house just like how I have been burning.", she continued.

"No! No! Don't do this! I am your son. I don't deserve this!", he begged. "What about me? I never deserved your dishonesty. I never deserved your disloyalty. I never deserved death. I never deserved the hate for the love I gave to you.", she said emotionally. 

"Why did you do this? Why did you kill me ?", she asked softly. She turned away from his pleading eyes. Suddenly fire started engulfing around the house. Rohan watched helplessly around for an escape. There was no way to escape. The fire had already reached him. He screamed in pain when he felt the first burn. She watched him burn slowly. Unfortunately she didn't feel peace and felt only pain..

(To be continued)


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