The Bungalow Number - 420 Part 13

Once he was at home, he locked the door. He checked and rechecked many times to see whether the door was locked. When he was confident, he proceeded to his room. He didn't dare to check the windows to see whether the ghost was there or not. He was terrified.

He locked himself inside his room. He covered himself with blanket and sat on his plush sofa with his legs hugged to him . He looked at the clock. It was still evening. There were three more hours for night to arrive. His mind was engulfed with fear and thus he had no energy to do any work.

He was perspiring in sweat even though the fan was at high speed. Who could that ghost ? Was it real or was he hallucinating? How did Roger die? He had no answer to these questions. "Could it be Rohan? He could have murdered him. But there was no specific reason for him to kill him. There must be some kind of mystery in that house. What could be?", he wondered.

**** Two weeks Later ****

Rohan sipped his morning tea while he read the headlines sheepishly. His mind was focused on Manoj. He didn't find enough information about him. He was frustrated. He had tried to find about him from various sources. But none of sources gave him correct information.

What was startling to him was that he didn't hear from Manoj after death of his blackmailer. He had called him. He even visited his house. He wasn't there. He even visited his office. He hadn't come there since two weeks. "Where is he?" , he wondered.

"Did he leave the city due to fear of his blackmailer's death. He did tell me that blackmailer was a goon. Is he scared that someone from his gang may kill him?", he thought.  "It can't be ! He is not that sort of a man who would get scared easily." he debated to himself.

(To be continued)


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