The Bungalow Number - 420 Part 12

Rohan stopped his car at his house. He didn't get down. He couldn't take off what he had seen today from his mind. He was still not convinced about what Manoj had said. "Why would his blackmailer arrive at my bungalow ? Did Manoj invite him there ?", he wondered.  He had checked the door before entering the house. The lock was broken. That meant he was uninvited.

"How did he come to know about the house? Did Manoj say anything about the house? Why would Manoj say anything about the house? Something is fishy !", he wondered. Nothing was fitting in the puzzle. Manoj's explanation didn't look genuine. A mafia gangster wouldn't loiter in someone else property unless there was any catch there. Rohan looked for answers.

"Did he come here to find something about Manoj's activities so that he could blackmail him for more money or maybe he came here to take over my property illegally?", he wondered. The blackmailer coming to the bungalow to illegally possess the house didn't fit the logic.

His eyes grew wide when an idea struck him. "Maybe he was bought here by Manoj and he killed him stealthily here. No wonder he was anxious when he saw the dead body in the morning.", he wondered. He finally deduced that the man was murdered by Manoj to end the trauma. He banged his fist on the steering wheel. Who is Manoj? His friend didn't seem to be the person he was portraying in front of him. He had to find the whole story about him.

Manoj sat on his plush sofa with his legs hugged to him. He was extremely scared. He never expected to find Roger dead. He should be relieved but he wasn't. He felt someone was watching him since the time he had left the bungalow. He had heard someone call him liar behind him. He had checked, there was no one. There were many times he felt a presence sitting behind him during the ride.

He had thought it was a hallucination. But when he had reached home and got down the car, he saw a shadow of a lady sitting at the back seat of the car. When he got closer to check , she stared at him with blank eyes. He had almost got heart attack. He locked the car and ran towards his home. It looked real. He knew he wasn't imagining.

(To be continued)


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